The aim of asset modulo forms is to manage fixed asset life cycle, to calculate depreciation charges by obeying laws and by proving at the same time with a tool of Asset Lifecycle Management.
Treatment extent is the following:
Proprietary management modulo form integrate to Si5 procedure:
- Asset data capture in bill entry from petty cash book,
- asset information uploading in verifying purchase bills, through disclosing management data from orders,
- direct entry for fixed assets.
- Codification is organized in two levels and integrated through the registration number
- increase management, sub assets, purchases which can be depreciated separately
- analytic or synthetic printings, to produce a fiscal register
- transaction lists
- Calculation of capital gains and losses and writing off for assignments
- Management of computerized transfer of class and unit.
- share processing according to parametric standards to obey the different fiscal and civil rules
- In simulations through processing :
- contemporary multiples
- long-term
- Annual
- Monthly
In reality through periodicity
- In simulations through processing :